Thursday, 26 January 2012

Using Facebook Professionally

     I always understood Facebook as a social networking site. Today, however, I discovered how much more Facebook could be. Not only can I stay updated with news about my own social circle, I can also use Facebook in a business sense. Because I was always worried about online privacy and "the dangers of the internet", I had no idea that making an online resume could be as simple as making a page on Facebook, a site that I am already familiar with. I am moving one step closer to that online portfolio I have always wanted.
Here's my new Facebbook page, Aislinn Ales204 and a little sneak peek photo (this photo is also accessible through my Flickr account, if you click the link below):
Screenshot of Facebook page. Chan, Aislinn (2012). Retrieved from:
Fellow classmate, Carol, also has a new Facebook page. It is well organized and interesting to read, and she also happens to be in the same field of study as myself. You can have a look at it through her blog.
     Using this new resource means that future employers can easily see some of my credentials and previous work experience, without completely invading my Facebook profile and privacy. I appreciate how a Facebook Page is different from a Facebook profile. When I use my Facebook profile, I can stay connected to friends and acquaintances all around the world, and keep them posted on my own new experiences. However, my Facebok profile is private and would not always contain information that future employers would be interested in. Using a Facebook page, I can access a more professional side of this networking site and hopefully more exposure to more people working in the Clothing and Textiles field. Also, the internet is capable of introducing fast connections. Having an online resume, first, can save trees, and second can make the search for professional Human Ecology opportunities more accessible. I can reach out internationally for professional opportunities, without having to be in a different country every I apply.
     In addition, this Facebook page contains more information that a simple resume. It includes my work experience, but also a slightly more personal touch. It could be like meeting me, but not in a face-to-face situation. In Jonathan Gosier's blog, GosDot, he outlines some important reasons for creating an online resume. While a Facebook Page is not exactly an online resume, I believe the principles still apply. I admit, I was not always a fan of going online, but I have discovered some real advantages. So, why not join this new media world?

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